Is artificial grass beginning to puncture the genteel world of horticulture? And is that such a bad thing?


Is fake grass coming of age?
It’s been around for 45 years, but synthetic grass has been slow to take off in the UK, despite becoming relatively popular for domestic lawns in the arid southern states of America and the Middle East. It seems the British love of horticulture has stood in its way. Until now.
A slow tide is turning, perhaps because of our changing climate or our gardens getting smaller. When launched its first synthetic grass brand this spring, more than 7,000 square metres sold in a matter of weeks. Fake turf also made its debut in a show garden at the Chelsea Flower Show this year, despite much sniffing from certain quarters within the RHS.

I can’t believe it’s not turf
Modern synthetic turf is a world apart from the greengrocer display mats of decades past. The key to realism is finding an artificial grass that doesn’t look too perfect. This means more than one shade of green, a mixture of curly and straight yarns and with some fake “thatch”. After all, nothing proves your lawn is real better than a few dead patches here and there.
Always ask for samples, just as you would with carpet: you can lay them out on a real lawn, check the colour, and test how they feel underfoot. In general, the more expensive products have more polyethylene tufts which makes them softer and floppier whereas “play” brands usually contain more polypropylene – a tougher tuft. Cheaper types are a more vivid green.


When is fake better than real?
When you’re gardening under tree canopies or in heavy shade; for roof terraces, where the synthetic option removes myriad problems from watering to weight limitations; for play areas, where a soft landing is needed (children’s football games can soon obliterate even the toughest grass); and where space is at such a premium that a mower simply isn’t an option.

Can you lay it yourself?
Around 50% of artificial turf is now laid by customers themselves. Synthetic turf, like carpet, has a directional pile, so you need to make sure it’s all running the same way. And it’s vital to have edges closely butted up before glueing them to joining tape. Most suppliers give plenty of information to help you take the DIY route. It’s generally sold in 2m or 4m width rolls.

The right foundations
One of the main benefits of fake lawns is that you can lay them over practically anything: concrete, tarmac, sand, earth, even decking. However, if the surface isn’t uniformly smooth, for example where you have uneven paving slabs, you will need to add an underlay or sand base beneath your turf to level it off.

Fake turf, real prices
When it comes to pricing, fake grass is similar to wigs or tans: if you’re going for realism, expect to pay. Most luxury brands are around £25-£30 a square metre and this price can be doubled if you want it installed. However, if it’s more about a playable surface than a realistic lawn you can pay as little as £10 per square metre (at DYG for example).

Maintaining the illusion
Retiring the lawnmower doesn’t mean the end to all work, although you can swap weekly mowing for a less demanding monthly sweep with a stiff brush to clear leaves and lift the pile. The odd weed or moss growing through the turf’s plastic backing can be dealt with as you would a normal lawn.
If you get occasional marks on the surface, it’s possible to clean them with a non-bleaching household detergent, but this may ruin the illusion for the neighbours.

Long-life lawns?
There are fake lawns in this country that are still going strong after a couple of decades, but most companies will guarantee against fading for only five to 10 years.

Fake turf isn’t a great solution for slopes as it becomes tricky to anchor it strongly enough and its sand base will migrate to the bottom of the incline. Subtler downsides? No more fresh-cut grass smell, not quite as soft as the real thing and no mowing chores with which to torture teenagers.

An environmental winner?
On the plus side, fake grass does away with much of the relentless consumption of hungry lawns: water usage, fertilising and mowing power, for example. But it is a plastic-based product reliant on oil for its production. And it doesn’t offer the biodiversity of a living lawn. However, new turfs are in development that use recycled bottles for their core material.

Post time: May-28-2024