How to Prevent Your Artificial Lawn from Smelling


Many pet owners considering artificial grass are concerned that their lawn will smell.

Whilst it is true that it is certainly possible that urine from your dog can make artificial grass smell, as long as you follow a few key installation methods then there is absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

But what exactly is the secret to stopping artificial grass from smelling? Well in our latest article we explain exactly what you need to do. Essentially, it involves installing your fake turf in a specific way and once installed, ensuring that it is properly maintained.

We’ll look at some of the important steps you should take during the installation and also some things you can do once your artificial lawn  installed to prevent lingering odours.

So, without further ado, let’s begin.


Install A Permeable Sub-Base

Granite Chipping Sub-Base

One of the key ways of preventing your artificial grass from smelling is to install a permeable sub-base.

The very nature of a permeable sub-base allows liquids to drain freely through your artificial turf. If odour producing liquids such as urine have nowhere to go then you are increasing the likelihood of your lawn trapping the nasty odours caused by urine.

We highly recommend that if you have dogs or pets, that you install a permeable sub-base, consisting of 20mm granite of limestone chippings, or even MOT Type 3 (similar to Type 1, but with fewer small particles). This type of sub-base, will allow liquids to flow freely through your turf.

This is one of the most important steps to install an artificial lawn that is free from nasty odours.


Do Not Install Sharp Sand for Your Laying Course

We never recommend that you use sharp and for the laying course of your artificial lawn.

Not least because it does not provide as strong a laying course as granite or limestone dust. Sharp sand does not hold its compaction, unlike granite or limestone dust. Over time, if your lawn receives regular foot traffic, you will notice that the sharp sand will begin to move underneath your lawn and will leave dips and ruts.

The other major drawback of using sharp sand is that it can in fact absorb and trap nasty smells. This prevents odours from draining through and away from the surface of your lawn.

Granite or limestone dust is a few pounds per ton more expensive than sharp sand but the payoff is well worth it as you’ll prevent nasty odours from becoming trapped in the laying course and get a far better, long-lasting finish to your artificial lawn.


Use A Specialist Artificial Grass Cleaner

Nowadays, there are lots of products available on the market that can be applied to your lawn to help neutralise nasty odours and remove bacteria.

Many of these are supplied in handy spray bottles, meaning you can apply artificial grass cleaner quickly and precisely to the areas that need it the most. This is ideal if you have a dog or pet that you find tends to repeatedly do their business on the same part of your lawn.

Specialist artificial grass cleaners and deodorisers tend not to be particularly expensive either so are an excellent choice for the treatment of mild cases of lingering odours without harming your bank balance too much.



Some of the keys methods in stopping your artificial lawn from smelling are utilised during the installation of your artificial lawn. Using a permeable sub-base, leaving out the second layer of weed membrane and using granite dust instead of sharp sand is generally enough in the vast majority of cases to prevent any lingering odours on your artificial lawn. At worst, you may need to hose down your lawn a couple of times during the driest part of the year.

If on the other hand, it’s too late to adopt these strategies, then we’d recommend you try using a spot cleaner to treat the affected areas.

Post time: Mar-20-2025