Artificial turf quality inspection process

What does artificial turf quality testing include? There are two major standards for artificial turf quality testing, namely artificial turf product quality standards and artificial turf paving site quality standards. Product standards include artificial grass fiber quality and artificial turf physical item inspection standards; site standards include site flatness, inclination, site size control and other standards.


Product quality inspection standards: Artificial grass filaments are made of PP or PE materials. The grass filaments must be checked by strict testing agencies. Artificial turf manufacturers must have SGS second-level fire protection certification, toxic and harmful substances certification, anti-corrosion, wear-resistant certification, etc.; at the same time, lawn The adhesive used at the bottom also affects the quality of artificial turf, and the adhesive must have environmental protection and safety certifications.

Quality physical items inspection standards: namely, artificial grass fiber stretchability, anti-aging testing, artificial turf color and other artificial turf testing standards. The tensile elongation of artificial grass filaments in the longitudinal direction shall not be less than 15% and the transverse elongation shall not be less than 8%; the tear strength standard of artificial turf shall be at least 30KN/m in the longitudinal direction and not less than 25KN/m in the transverse direction; The elongation rate and tear strength of the lawn meet the standards, and the quality of the lawn is further enhanced.


Color testing standards: Lawn color needs to be tested for sulfuric acid resistance. Select an appropriate amount of artificial turf sample and soak it in 80% sulfuric acid for 3 days. After three days, observe the color of the turf. If there is no change in the color of the turf, it is determined that the color of the artificial turf meets the artificial turf quality standards.

In addition, artificial turf must undergo an aging test. After the aging test, the tensile strength of the turf is determined to be at least 16 MPa in the longitudinal direction and not less than 8 MPa in the transverse direction; the tear strength is not less than 25 KN/m in the longitudinal direction and 20 KN/m in the transverse direction. m. At the same time, the quality of artificial turf also needs to have fire prevention standards. For fire prevention, select an appropriate amount of turf samples and fill them with fine sand at 25–80 kg/㎡ for testing. If the diameter of the burning spot is within 5 cm, it is grade 1, and the artificial turf is fire-proof. Sex is up to standard.


The standard for site paving quality inspection is to control the flatness of the site to 10mm, and use a 3m small line to measure to avoid large errors; when paving lawns, ensure that the site inclination is controlled within 1%, and measure with a level; the inclination is controlled, So that the lawn can drain smoothly. At the same time, the size error of the length and width of the artificial turf field is controlled to 10 mm. Use a ruler to measure and keep the error as low as possible.

Artificial turf products can only be combined in the paved site by mastering each parameter. Artificial turf product indicators are highly efficient and meet the standards. If the site paving requirements do not meet the standards, the artificial turf will not be able to show its best use value. Therefore, high quality standards for artificial turf require the integration of product quality and site standards, both of which are indispensable.

Post time: May-13-2024