Faux Topiary Boxwood Plant Boxwood Topiary Plant Artificial Plant Boxwood Boxwood Boxwood Decoratives, The UV Resistant Decorative Boxwood Spheres for the Backyard Porch & Decor Balcony

Kurte Danasîn:

Navê Hilberê: Ball Topiary Artificial

Materyal: PE + PP

Bikaranîn: Xemilandina hundurê derve

Reng: Rengê kesk

Tîp:Topiya Topên Boxwoodê yên Artificial

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Navê Berhem:Artificial Topiary Ball

Materyal: PE + PP

Bikaranîn: Xemilandina hundurê derve

Reng: Rengê kesk

Tîp:Topiya Topên Boxwoodê yên Artificial

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